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Unit 1: Medical Emergencies and First Aid
Note: While this unit covers different emergency medical services (EMS) used in various countries, always call the EMS number for your location if you are in an emergency. (United States: 911)
Hover over the numbers to open the first aid tooltip.
Take a guess - should we or shouldn't we take the following actions when someone has been burned?
Hover over the "+" buttons to open the first aid tooltip.
Take a guess - should we or shouldn't we take the following actions during CPR?
Congratulations on completing Unit 1!
We encourage you to select and complete one of the following self-care actions before moving onto the next unit:
Write down three acts of kindness you would like to perform in the coming week. For example, you could donate old blankets to an animal shelter, or write a positive message on a sticky note to surprise a loved one.
Gently roll your shoulders clockwise and anticlockwise, then do the same with your neck. Repeat this five times.
Call a friend and share your short-term goals with them. Have them do the same. For example, you could discuss what you want to achieve in school or work within the next two months
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